Pickaway County



139 West Franklin Street
Circleville, OH 43113

P: (740) 420-0453
E: tmcginnis@pickaway.org




Tim McGinnis, Director

The Pickaway County Office of Development and Planning coordinates the activities of the Pickaway County Planning Commissions; administers economic development tax incentive programs including enterprise zones and community redevelopment area agreements; assists with local and regional land-use planning activities; assists the general public and development community with understanding  and compliance with development regulations; assists the county building department with the National Flood Insurance Program; and, manages activities as assigned by the Pickaway County Board of Commissioners.

The Pickaway County Planning Commission enforces Pickaway County’s Subdivision Regulations as applied to the division of land and improvement of parcels in unincorporated Pickaway County for residential, commercial and industrial use; provides recommendations to rural township zoning commissions on amendments to their zoning resolutions; reviews, evaluates, and makes comments and recommendations on proposed and amended comprehensive land-use, open space, transportation, and public facilities plans and projects to achieve compatibility within the county and region.

The County Planning Commission consists of the three Pickaway County Commissioners, or their designees, and the Board of Commissioners appoint eight (8) citizen representatives that serve three-year terms. Among the topics that the Planning Commission might consider are preliminary development plans, approval of plats for the subdivision of land, amendments to the text or maps of rural township zoning commissions, and discussions on various matters regarding land-use, farm land and environmental preservation, long-range regional goals with other planning commissions, and local economic development initiatives.

The Pickaway County Planning Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m., in the Pickaway County Board of Commissioners’ conference room provided there is the need to do so.  Special meetings may be called as well.